Monday, January 30, 2023



Self-help videos, books and seminars have had a tremendous impact on my life but sometimes it has been a challenge to be inspired, motivated or to believe that self-help even works. If you're struggling with self-help, here are some honest questions I had to ask myself before giving up.

What is self help? Let's define it as anything you do with the intention of getting yourself closer to the person you want to be. It can be related to your body weight, fitness, overcoming fear, finding happiness, finances and many more.

There isn't much information available to facilitate change, yet we rarely make meaningful progress toward becoming the unique individuals we want to be. Why did this happen?

There are many barriers to implementing self-help advice, and you may not see results.

What information are you applying for? Losing weight is a form of self-help. In fact, it would be challenging to find anyone over the age of 10 who couldn't give you a proper plan for weight loss.

The problem may be one of consent. Once you have a plan, it is important that you stick to it and do what is required of that plan.

Information you do not apply is of no importance.

Is learning the same as doing? Some people believe that understanding is the same thing as doing the same thing. But, that's like saying that understanding how to do push-ups is equivalent to doing 100 push-ups a day.

Your understanding of a strategy needs to be put into practice.

am i procrastinating Self-help books can be addictive. It's a cheap way to feel like you're up to your challenge. We feel good by reading self-help articles and books. 

However, at some point, it is necessary to put down the books and get busy. 

Am I getting impatient? Losing weight takes time. It also takes time to save money, improve your writing skills, or break bad habits.

Remember this: The longer you suffer from a particular problem, the longer it will take to overcome it.

Am I resistant to change? Change is far more challenging than most people realize. 

You may be sad, but you are alive. That's enough to keep a lot of people satisfied. Have you ever said it: It could always be worse? Sometimes saying this to yourself breeds complacency.

Making gradual changes – making small changes, one at a time – can be frustrating, but it has a better chance of success.  Plus, they're easy to add to your regular routine. If you have a habit of procrastinating, start getting up 5 minutes earlier this week, 5 minutes earlier the next week, and once a month you wake up 20 minutes earlier.

It is not enough just to decide that change is necessary.

Am I really ready to change? If you want to become rich, adopting certain habits around savings and investing is not enough. It is to be a person who values and appreciates wealth creation. You must have faith that getting rich is an endeavor worthy of your time and attention.

You need to change your attitude and beliefs to accommodate your idea of the person you want to be.

Self-help tools provide opportunities to make important changes in your life. They can provide information and inspiration, but the burden is still on you to apply the information in your life and take the transformative work on your own.

Self-help is the hardest thing you'll ever do.  However, if you make small changes one at a time, your efforts will help make your dreams a reality.

Self-help videos, books and seminars have had a tremendous impact on my life but sometimes it has been a challenge to be inspired, motivated or to believe that self-help even works. Let's define it as anything you do with the intention of getting yourself closer to the person you want to be. Once you have a plan, it is important that you stick to it and do what is required of that plan. Your understanding of a strategy needs to be put into i procrastinating Self-help books can be addictive. It's a cheap way to feel like you are up to your challenge. Remember this: The longer you suffer from a particular problem, the longer it will take to overcome it. It is not enough just to decide that change is necessary. It is to be a person who values and appreciates wealth creation. You need to change your attitude and beliefs to accommodate your idea of the person you want to be. Self-help is the hardest thing you will ever do.

Your understanding of a strategy needs to be put into i procrastinating Self-help books can be addictive. Self-help is the hardest thing you will ever do.Self-help Self-help videos, books and seminars have had a tremendous impact on my life but sometimes it has been a challenge to be inspired, motivated or to believe that self-help even works. Let's define it as anything you do with the intention of getting yourself closer to the person you want to be. Once you have a plan, it is important that you stick to it and do what is required of that plan. You need to change your attitude and beliefs to accommodate your idea of the person you want to be.


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